Chapter 3 introduces the concept of mode of livelihood which is the dominant pattern in a culture of making a living in culture. So what are five major modes of livelihood and their characteristics?

Foraging is defined as a mode of livelihood based on resources that are available in nature through gathering, fishing, hunting, or scavenging. To me, these foragers are hunters; however, not trophy hunters but hunters that have to do so in order to survive and be able to eat. These would be people living in deserts, tropical rain forests, and people living in the lifestyle of limited resources. Today, there are hunters all over the world that do eat the meat that they kill but also do it for the love of the hunt and the trophy. Foragers are different from hunters as we know it. Foragers are forced to hunt and scavenge for food and other resources.

Horticulture is defined as a mode of livelihood based on cultivating domesticated plants in garden with the use of hand tools. This is still practiced throughout the world and i don't see it going away anytime soon. The is a popular part of horticulture that grows flowers and other plants that people use as decorations in and around there house as well as gifts.
Pastoralism is defined as a mode of livelihood based on domesticated animal herds and the use of their products. This is very alive throughout the world. We see it everyday while living in the South. Most of us pass a pasture with cattle or some sort of animal livestock when we travel anywhere. This mode of livelihood provides millions with food to eat.

Agriculture is defined as a mode of livelihood that involves growing crops on permanent plots with the use of plowing, irrigation, and fertilizer. Or otherwise known as farming. This is a ritual and mode of livelihood that isn't disappearing. Farmers provide millions of people food to eat as well as themselves. Not to mention, farmers provide the grocery stores we shop at with their produce so it is an essential part of our everyday lives.

Industrialism is the mode of livelihood in which goods and services are produced though mass employment in business and commercial operations and though the creation, manipulation, management, and transfer of information via electronic media. This is perhaps the most recent and most relative to our studies today. In our capitalistic world, most goods are produced not to meet basic needs but to satisfy consumer demands for nonessential goods.
Chapter 8 focuses on political and legal anthropology. Political anthropology addresses the area of human behavior and thought related to power. Legal anthropology addresses issues of social order and conflict resolution cross-culturally.
Power is the ability to bring about results, often though the possession or use of forceful means. This closely relates to authority and influence. Those who have political, social, and economic power have more leverage in our society.
A band is the form of political organization associated with foraging groups, involves flexible membership and no formal leaders. Like a pack of wolves.

Tribes are a more formal type of political organization. Typically associated with horticulture and pastoralism. Tribes are composed of several bands, each with a similar language and lifestyle. Tribal groups may be connected through a clan structure, in which most people claim descent from a common ancestor although they may be unable to trace the exact relationship. Kinship is the primary basis of membership. Most tribes are found in the Middle East, South Asia, the Pacific, and Africa. I feel the most thought about tribesmen are those of Native Americans. Some of us are descendants of Native Americans and they are more relative to us because we have studied them, they were the original tribe of our nation.

Chiefdoms are forms of political organizations that include permanently allied tribes and villages under one chief. Chiefdoms have large populations and are more centralized and complex. Hereditary systems of social ranking and economic stratification are central features of chiefdoms.
A state is a centralized political unit encompassing many communities. The state is now a form of political organization in which all people live.
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